PTAO Takes Lead Role in Towing Industry Reform

Years of effort are finally paying off with provincial licensing gaining traction.
Ford Government takes steps to improve safety and enforcement based on task force recommendations.
Learn MoreYears of effort are finally paying off with provincial licensing gaining traction.
Latest incidents of towing related violence highlight criminal involvement and underscores the need for further change.
TORONTO – The Ontario government is making our roads and highways safer by launching a Joint Forces Operation team to address violence in the towing industry and introducing a tow zone pilot on designated sections of provincial highways. Ontario’s provincial towing task force has also recommended additional actions to better protect customers andimprove towing industry […]
A 23-year-old tow truck driver was shot and killed in Toronto’s west end Thursday nigh
A video making the rounds on social media channels illustrates the current scourge of dangerous behaviour on Ontario’s highways as heavy wreckers compete for lucrative towing jobs. Note the two wreckers on the left nearly collide as one engages in a risky manoeuvre to overtake the other, ostensibly to be the first to arrive at […]
3 officers, 3 members of public charged by RCMP anti-corruption unit
As part of a review process for Ontario’s Consumer Protection Act, the Ontario government is now accepting feedback from the public through an online survey.
In an excerpt from a Globe and Mail interview, Ontario Premier Doug Ford shares his thoughts on towing reform. Q: And my follow up question, I don’t know if it’s for you or Minister Mulroney, but we want to know about the tow truck industry and the violence that seems to be emerging within that […]
Consumers are forced to be vigilant with rogue operators taking advantage of a poorly regulated system. Lorraine Sommerfield reports for
The “turf war” now underway threatens public safety, with violence and arson erupting as criminal organizations face off for control of a poorly regulated towing industry. CityNews’ Mark McAllister has this special report.