After several months of consultation, a “Fair Towing” task force hosted by the PTAO with representatives from the, Ontario Provincial Police, Ontario Ministries of Transportation and Government and Consumer Services, the Canadian Automobile Association, WreckMaster Training and now Insurance Bureau of Canada and the Canadian Federation Independent Business. have developed recommendations to fix the problems in Ontario’s towing industry:
- Insurance requirements for all towing companies as well as a requirement for towing riders on all auto policies.
- Training as a mandatory requirement for all drivers/operators
- Equipment conforming to the definition of a “tow truck”
- All companies who act as Towing companies in Ontario
- All operators who tow vehicles in Ontario
- All equipment that is used for towing in Ontario with a distinct licence plate easily recognizable by the public and emergency responders
through an industry/government committee or delegated administrative authority to:
- Ensure compliance
- Manage complaints
- Administer discipline
Dispatch System
Develop a centralizeddispatch system in which the nearest properly equipped unit can be summoned to an incident by police, truck owner or public ensuring quick clearance without unsafe conditions caused by multiple trucks responding
Cost Recovery Plan for unpaid Tows of Small Vehicles
like the program in place for heavy wrecks (PHIMLFPA), using the ARIS system to flag drivers with unpaid tows.
We are eager to provide any assistance we can to the recently announced Provincial Task Force on Towing
The Task Force thanks everyone who has contributed to or shown support for bringing our efforts to this stage.
Mark Graves
President – PTAO
John Henderson
Co-Ordinator – Fair Towing Task Force